Site Remediation and Restoration

New provincial legislation requires site remediation work be completed by qualified professionals that report on the cleanup. Standards for acceptable soil and groundwater have been clearly defined within the legislation.  Experience is required to provide the most cost effective solutions using a variety of technologies and approaches. Because of our experience, we can coordinate equipment and manpower immediately and cost-effectively. 

How does a small group of experts resolve a number of large, complex or just difficult problems? The Hallett Group has established a close working relationship with Arnott Construction, who is ready to supply all of the excavation and heavy construction equipment necessary, across Canada.  This type of remedial work requires precise construction to contain or remove contamination. Our teams of Hallett engineers and Arnott foremen and heavy equipment operators know how to deal with all aspects of contaminated sites, together. 

Regulatory Compliance and Reporting

Dr. Hallett and his colleagues have worked for and advised many governments on toxic chemical legislation. This includes chairing the Ontario Misa Advisory Committee, the Toxic Chemicals Committee of the International Joint Commission on Great Lakes Water Quality, advising the Auditor General of Canada, past Vice President Al Gore, the Australian and  Japanese governments who both adopted and implemented the proprietary PCB invention, and the US National Academy of Science. The Hallett Group is also known for its expertise in destroying obsolete chemical weapons such as nerve gas and blistering agents and is recognized by the US National Research Council.

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